Nihon-Buyô news

Tour under development
2020-2021 season

Juju Alishina Butô Solo "Sagi-Musumé (The white heron)"
Sagi-Musumé is a Butoh show based on a famous Kabuki theater piece created in 1762.

Photo: Philippe Thomert
Video: Christian.F.Faur

Video excerpts

Butoh shows in 2020

Juju Alishina Butô Solo


Butoh festival Amsterdam, October 9-10, 2020
Juju Alishina Butô solo

6 performances per day
Teatro Munganga Schinkelhavenstraat 27 hs2, 1075 Amsterdam The Netherlands


Friday October 9, 2020 8:30 p.m. € 25
Saturday October 10, 2020 8:30 p.m. € 25
2 days 45 €

phone: 020 6759837

Many more to come!
Video extracts - Festival EN CHAIR ET EN SON # 4

News from the press

You can find an article on Juju Alishina's Nihon-buyô that came out recently.

Read an article
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